As your league begins planning for the upcoming season, be sure to budget a small amount to provide your coaches with access to the SAFE Baseball/Softball online course. This brief, interactive course is designed to ensure that coaches think, "safety...
Posts tagged "softball"
They Don't Use It
We recently heard from a client who had gotten feedback from their volunteer coaches about an app they had suggested to help run practices. The client chuckled and said, "About 10% even opened it and after the second week it...
Get Today's OnDeck Newsletter
Today our OnDeck Newsletter for Baseball/Softball goes out. Tomorrow, our soccer issue hits the newsstands! Read them and cheer!
Don't Miss August OnDeck for Baseball/Softball!
Our OnDeck baseball and softball newsletter goes out tomorrow and it's packed with offers, ideas, tips and information. Sign up to have it delivered to your inbox here!
New OnDeck Advertiser, ProTime
Step up your club, team or league's uniform game with our new OnDeck Newsletter sponsor, Protime. Their state-of-the-art facility means fast turnaround, quality craftsmanship and the best pricing. Need some fill-in orders in a pinch? No one else can handle...