A very discouraging article ran the San Diego Union Tribune. You can read it here. Essentially, the article highlighted the fact that many inner-city teams cannot field a JV team due to lack of players. This, obviously, does not bode well...
Posts tagged "Drills"
“I Started Coaching Because…”
By Brian Gotta, President of CoachDeck I’ve heard the beginning of this statement finished the same way hundreds of times. “I started coaching because the first coach my son (or daughter) had was so bad I thought I could do...
CoachDeck Softball
Five Curveball Drills (Part 3 of 3)
By Dave Hudgens Here are 5 curveball drills. 1) Underhand Recognition DrillThis drill is designed to help differentiate between the speeds of a fastball and an off-speed pitch. I like this drill very much because it will help you...
CoachDeck Softball for Your League
Now is the time to order your league's softball decks to ensure all coaches have an assistant coach in their back pocket at every practice.