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Posts tagged "Baseball"
More on Safety: Teaching Young Baseball Players About Handling Bats
By Brian Gotta, President of CoachDeck When coaching youngsters, I institute three rules from Day One. 1) No kids pick up a bat, or, for that matter, even touch one, until they are handed one by a coach. That’s an...
Don't Miss Today's OnDeck Newsletter for Baseball and Softball!
You can sign up here to receive the OnDeck Newsletter for Baseball and Softball, fill with interesting articles and offers. You'll love OnDeck!
Assistant Coach in Your Pocket
Smart leagues know that coaches don't use their phones to run practices. The time it takes to open apps and maneuver through dozens of options and then watch video clips makes it cumbersome and ineffective. That's why we developed CoachDeck....
Its Protime For Your Baseball League!
We know the timetable: You've been discussing registrations and coaches but don't plan on figuring out your league's uniforms until after the new year. That's when you'll want to get in touch with Protime! Protime has the best product and...