By John Ellsworth Every athlete that comes to me for help almost always wants to improve their performance and get more playing time. Every parent wants their child to be the best in their sport, have fun, and grow from...
Posts tagged "Playing Time"
Great Quote for Youth Sports
"If your screen time is more than your practice time, you have no business complaining about your playing time." - Unknown
Letter From a Reader
We received this email from a coach who is struggling with disgruntled parents on the soccer team she is coaching: I am the coach of a u11 academy girls soccer team. I have been getting a lot of flack from...
MVP - Most Valuable Parent
By Brian Gotta, President of CoachDeck Years ago, my son was on his high school Freshman football team. At 4’11”, 95 pounds, he was strictly a “fifth quarter” player. The fifth quarter was when all of the kids who hadn’t...
Get Sports Parents to Behave!
We all hear stories of nightmare parents who waste the time of coaches and admins griping because their children aren't playing enough or at the right position. Now, Supportive Parent is the solution. When parents take the Supportive Parent online course,...