The fifth and final installment in Dr. Alan Goldberg’s series on helping athletes through injuries. This segment deals with what coaches can do. #1 BE EMPATHETIC– Let your athletes know that YOU understand what THEY are feeling and having to go...
Posts tagged "injury"
Athlete strategies for coping with injury
By Dr. Alan Goldberg (Note: This is the fourth in a series on Injuries to Athletes:) #1 BE SAD – Allow yourself to mourn and feel whatever loss you are experiencing. Being “macho”, “strong” or “brave” by burying or...
Advocates for Injured Athletes
Tommy Mallon was a lacrosse player for Santa Fe Christian High School in San Diego. During a game, Tommy and another player collided, causing Tommy to fall to the turf. Fortunately for the Mallon family, the school had a Certified...
The Psychological Consequences of Injury
By Dr. Alan Goldberg(Note: This is the third in a series on Injuries to Athletes:)So what happens to all of these psychological goodies when you’re suddenly sidelined by an injury? To put it simply, you become overwhelmed by a variety...
The Three Major Functions Sport Plays in the Athlete's Life
By Dr. Alan Goldberg(Note: This is the second in a series on Injuries to Athletes: The first installment may be read here.)#1 SENSE OF IDENTITY – If you are a serious athlete and have been competing long enough, then you...