By Brian Gotta, President of CoachDeck
I’ve heard the beginning of this statement finished the same way hundreds of times. “I started coaching because the first coach my son (or daughter) had was so bad I thought I could do a better job.” This statement tells me two things:
1. There are a lot of well-meaning parents out there who could use some help
2. The reason many parents don’t get into coaching initially is that they lack confidence.
CoachDeck is designed to address both of those scenarios. Some parent-volunteers are unqualified because they don’t know much about the sport they are coaching. Others may know the sport well, and have even played it at a high level themselves, but just don’t have a lot of experience working with kids. If you don’t have experience playing the sport your coaching or experience running practices for youngsters, or both; using CoachDeck will ease your concern. And if you are prepared and excited to be your child’s coach in many sports at every level, our product will help you even more.
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