Our friends at SAFE Baseball.com are getting tremendous feedback from organizations who hare providing the SAFE Baseball course to their volunteer coaches and umpires. We highly recommend your league does the same so you can have your safest season ever!
Posts tagged "SAFE Softball"
Have a SAFE weekend
The weather can be a little dicey this time of year so be safe. And if you're involved with youth baseball or softball in 2019 be SAFE by taking the SAFE Baseball/Softball online safety course!
Make your league SAFE ASAP!
The SAFE Baseball/Softball Online Safety Course is a MUST have for all youth leagues. Make sure your coaches are thinking "Safety First" when running practices and games. Protect your league from negligence claims which might not be covered by league...
Is your baseball league safe?
We have partnered with SAFE Baseball to ensure all baseball and softball leagues are safe as possible this and every season! Go to www.SAFEBaseball.com and request a free trial, watch the 90-second video, get pricing and more. Your league needs...
As you begin planning
Yes, it's fall, not spring. There is still that pesky season called winter looming ahead. And the 2018 MLB season is winding down, not starting up. But your youth league is already planning ahead for 2019. Registrations, uniforms, fields, equipment....there...