By Dr. Alan Goldberg(Note: This is the second in a series on Injuries to Athletes: The first installment may be read here.)#1 SENSE OF IDENTITY – If you are a serious athlete and have been competing long enough, then you...
Posts tagged "Alan Goldberg"
When the Athlete is Injured
By Dr. Alan Goldberg You’ve been involved in your sport longer than you can remember. As you’ve grown, so have your strength, endurance and technique. You’ve busted your butt to become as good in your sport as possible and a...
Seven Tips for Staying Cool in the Clutch
By Dr. Alan Goldberg The BIGGEST secret to you playing your best when it counts the most is learning how to keep yourself CALM and COMPOSED. If you allow yourself to get too nervous or too excited right before or...
Parenting a Sports Child
By Dr. Alan Goldberg Be supportive but do not coach. Provide encouragement, empathy and transportation; help with the team jobs – but leave the coaching and instruction to the coach. Encourage your child to compete against herself. The ultimate goal...
What to Do if Your Child Gets Cut from the Team
By Dr. Alan Goldberg There is nothing quite as emotionally excruciating and heartbreaking as watching your own child suffer through the process of getting cut from a team that they had their heart set on making. You’ve watched them practice...