
CoachDeck vs Technology

We recently reached out to a youth sports organization which had historically purchased our decks as a training tool for their coaches. They informed us that they were now using a new app that is free. We checked it out and this app is very robust, really has a lot of great features. Yet, when we got back in touch with the organization, they placed a large order for our soccer decks. 

Why would a sports league use CoachDeck when there are free apps and websites available with drills? 

There is something about the deck-of-cards format, coaches love. 

It is fun to shuffle the deck and let a player choose a card. It is fun that every drill comes with a unique, "Make-it-a-Game"™ feature kids love. It is fun to open up a deck of cards and fan through them. 

Nothing about downloading an app and having it sitting on the phone is fun. Nothing about standing around trying to watch videos of drills on your phone while kids fidget is fun. Coaches can be led to the water of a free app, but you can't make them drink.

CoachDeck may be "old school" in its delivery, but it's what coaches prefer. There's a reason we are North America's most popular training tool and more leagues choose us every day.


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