
CoachDeck vs. Coaching Clinics

We often hear from sports leagues and organizations that they are planning to do coach training clinics prior to the season and that for this reason they don’t believe they also need to provide CoachDecks to their coaches. We’re big believers in coaching clinics and feel every league should run them.

The drawbacks to clinics are that it is usually impossible to get 100% attendance and those who do attend can only retain 30-40% of what they see and hear. What we’re hearing from leagues everywhere is that CoachDeck is the perfect supplement to clinics, so that throughout the season coaches can quickly refer to the deck and be reminded of things they learned.

Many organizations we’re working with are using CoachDeck as a reward for those who attend their clinics by handing them out there. We’ve heard that nothing “makes” a clinic or a coaches meeting like bringing out a box of our decks to distribute to all of the hard-working volunteers who stepped  up to coach a team.

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