

By Dr. Darrell Burnett

Concentrate on positives.

Offer yourself as an example.

Always expect what is reasonable.

Create team spirit.

Have Fun. Laugh a lot.

Concentrate on positives
___ I catch the kids doing well.

___ I keep a 4-1 ratio of positives to negatives.

___ I praise with animation.

___ I react calmly to mistakes.

___ I praise specifics.

___ I help kids notice progress (frequency, duration, intensity).

Offer Yourself as an Example
____ I am a role model of sportsmanship:

___ I win without gloating.

___ I lose without blaming.

___ I do not taunt officials, players, or parents.

___ I do not ridicule my players.

___ I insist that parents show sportsmanship.

Always Expect What is Reasonable
___ I expect the coordination skills that are appropriate for the ages of my players.

___ I expect the mental skills that are appropriate for the ages of my players.

___ I expect the motivation level that is appropriate for the ages of my players.

___ I expect the dedication level that is appropriate for the ages of my players.

Create Team Spirit
___ I teach my players to think "we" not "me."

___ I recognize each player's contribution to the team.

___ I encourage parents to cheer for every player.

___ I don't tolerate teammate bashing.

Have Fun. Laugh a Lot.
___ I keep a sense of humor.

___ I try to relax.

___ I try to help the kids relax.

___ I let the kids laugh and have fun.

___ I try to make practices and games fun.

___ I try not to take myself too seriously as a coach.

Dr. Darrell Burnett is a clinical psychologist and a certified sports psychologist specializing in youth sports. He has been in private practice in Laguna Niguel, California for 25+ years. He was a member of the Little League International Board of Directors. He was listed among the "Top 100 Most Influential Sports Educators in America" by the Institute for International Sport. His book, IT'S JUST A GAME! (Youth, Sports, & Self Esteem: A Guide for Parents), and his Sportsmanship Card Game, GOOD SPORT! are described at his website,, along with his other books, booklets, and CDs on youth sports and family life.

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