
Athlete Support for National Health Through Fitness Day

From the SFIA, in support of our partners at PHIT
It’s very rare to have Republicans and Democrats agree on anything these days, especially health care, but SFIA has threaded the needle with PHIT.   Unfortunately, the battle over the border wall sunk any chance PHIT had at the end of last year but we are fully committed to getting this done.  It’s not a question of “if” PHIT passes anymore it’s a matter of “when”.


We have our annual day on Capitol Hill, March 13th and SFIA hopes you can help with a retired athlete.  As you know, the PHIT Act passed the House last year and we want to finish the job.  There are 290 current members of Congress who have supported PHIT previously which puts us in great shape but it’s a new Congress and the process starts all over again.  Our lead sponsors are back and will re-introduce in the coming weeks.  Athletes will help us connect directly with Congressmen/women and Senators on March 13th which is a huge advantage in getting commitments.


SFIA will take care of all the scheduling and make sure your athlete has a very smooth, productive and worthwhile day in Washington.  PHIT is a great bi-partisan issue supported equally by Democrats and Republicans, using sports as a unifying force in D.C. makes us special, please help us take advantage of our unique position to pass PHIT.   


If you would like to get involved with The National Health Through Fitness Day on March 12th and 13th please contact Bill Sells at the address below or the return email above. 

Bill Sells – Senior Vice President for Government and Public Affairs
Sports & Fitness Industry Association

962 Wayne Ave., Ste. 300, Silver Spring, MD 20910


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